Nuevas evidencias investigativas sobre "Rápido y Furioso", "Cast-Away" y otros 'operativos' nefastos que aparentemente por medio de agencias de E.U. como ATF, DEA y FBI han facilitado a los carteles mexicanos y crimen organizado de Mexico y Centro America obtener miles de armas. Da click en los vinculos:
Nuevas evidencias en ?Rápido y Furioso? Investigadores del Congreso concentrados en la investigación sobre el trafico ilegal de armas
"Rapido y Furioso / Fast and Furious" operativo de E.U., que facilito' a los carteles mexicanos y crimen organizado obtener armamento.
Estas continuas investigaciones senalan que existe otras "operaciones" de trafico de armas que aparentemente envuelve a ATF, DEA, y FBI; especificamente una que se inicio' en 2009 llamada
"Cast Away" que desde Florida se permitia el trafico ilegal de armas hacia Honduras y Centro-America.
Operaciones nefastas que han causado la muerte de approximadamente
40,000+ muertes en Mexico en los ultimos cuatro años incluyendo a inocentes victimas; y en Centro America tambien. Siguiendo las ultimas noticias en Centro America la violencia se ha incrementado enormemente, especialmente en Honduras y Guatemala -
Suman 12 periodistas hondureños asesinados en dos años
Unos 310 asesinatos de jóvenes durante tres meses en Honduras
Casi 25,000 muertos se ha cobrado la violencia en cinco años en Honduras
Asesinaron al cantautor Facundo Cabral en Guatemala
El crimen organizado mató a Facundo Cabral: Alvaro Colom
Seis miembros de una familia fueron asesinados en poblado guatemalteco
Mataron a segundo candidato alcalde de municipio de Guatemala A PARTE DE CRUELMENTE ARMAMENTAR A LOS CRIMINALES en Mexico y Centro-America, TAMBIEN SE HA INCREMENTADO LAS DEPORTACIONES DE E.U. HACIA estos mismos paises:
EE.UU. deportó unos 10.835 inmigrantes hondureños en primer semestre de 2011
En algunas ocaciones por medio de sus voceros, el gobierno de E.U. se ha tratado de 'lavar las manos' diciendo que muchas de las armas que entran a Mexico no son provenientes directamente de E.U.; pero "que son provenientes de Centro America..." - Pero ya se hace evidente de que forma se sigue operando, mientras dizque se empieza a clausurar un controversial operativo ("Fast and Furious"), se comienza otro con otro nombre como por ejemplo "Cast-Away"; la misma burra pero revolcada, como comunmente se dice.
De la oficina del Senador Grassley:
For Immediate Release July 18, 2011
Grassley, Issa Press for Answers from FBI, DEA in Fast and Furious Investigation
WASHINGTON – Senator Chuck Grassley and Representative Darrell Issa are pushing for additional information and documents from the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in relation to the two agencies roles in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) reckless strategy known as Operation Fast and Furious. The strategy employed by the ATF allowed firearms to be purchased by known straw buyers and then transferred to third parties where the guns often crossed the border to Mexican drug cartels.
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CBS NEWS / Investigates.
ATF director tells Congress of "smoking gun" Jul 18, 5:17PM by Chris Scholl.- Congressional investigators say acting ATF Director Kenneth Melson
told them documents he reviewed convinced him reports about gunwalking were true.
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"Melson testified that he initially didn't believe
CBS' original reports exposing the allegations that ATF allowed
thousands of high-powered weapons to cross into Mexico. But Melson told investigators when he reviewed documents relating to one specific case, he found what he called "a smoking gun." According to a partial transcript of Melson's testimony to Congressional investigators, "interdiction could have occurred, and probably should have occurred, but did not occur."
According to Rep. Darell Issa (R-CA) and Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) who've been investigating the gunwalking controversy, Melson told them he turned his findings over to the Department of Justice's Deputy Attorney General, James Cole.
However, Melson was sharply critical of the DOJ's response to news reports about the allegations and investigations by Congress. "The Department is really trying to find a way to push the information away from their political appointees."
Jul 13, 12:16PM by Chris Scholl .- Two Republican congressman investigating ATF's controversial
"Fast and Furious" program said yesterday "senior officials at the Department of Justice" were "unquestionably aware" of the operation. Continue »
Jul 6, 2:46PM by Chris Scholl .-ATF's acting director has told Congressional investigators his agency made mistakes in its
"Fast and Furious" operation which allowed thousands of American guns to be delivered across the Mexican border into the hands of the drug cartels according to two members of Congress who have investigated the matter.
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